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This page refers to all aspects that guide the development of the advertising campaign
E³UDRES² has little knowledge on the part of students.
Students interested in E³UDRES² and what it has to offer.
Students who want to know more about E³UDRES² .
Advertising Goals
Introduce the E³UDRES² brand.
Encouraging students to join E³UDRES².
Brand Personality
E³UDRES² represents a highly cooperative and innovative entity that gives relevance to diversity and academic importance in all its activities.
The E³UDRES² brand is also referred to as a "person", that is, it is seen as a trusted partner that works together with various institutions to achieve common goals.
As the E³UDRES² seeks to establish strategic partnerships between the various institutions, it is considered that it uses a strategy of positioning of of valuing the consumer.
With this positioning strategy, E³UDRES² aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of both the proposed teaching activities and their innovation.
The brand personality is very positive and encouraging, as it presents its values and its vast diversity.
Furthermore, Eudres shows a great openness to new ideas and knowledge, demonstrating academic excellence, innovation and sustainability.
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