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E³UDRES² communication

To show corporate communication, one of the main objectives of Eudres is to relate to different audiences through its official website, its social networks and its official website.


The official website of Eudres demonstrates that it has a simple and easy-to-understand communication, in order to successfully publicize their projects.


On the YouTube social network, Eudres communicates more broadly, showing its activities, holding lectures and much more.


In the collaboration with the IPS there is an institutional communication similar to the previous one, as it offers opportunities for both students and employees and companies.


Communication on Facebook is simply intended to publicize your events. 


On the Instagram social network, Eudres communicates in an informative and interactive way, creating proximity with its followers.

Through email you can obtain more information, as well as expose some of your doubts.


Speaking of Eudres communication, on Linkedin it is very similar to Facebook communication, it is aimed at publicizing its events.


The communication made on the Twitter platform, in addition to showing what is broadcast on other social networks, adds information about live events.


In addition to the information about Eudres that exists throughout the Ips, there are also some events, such as the employability week, in which some of the faculties of the EUDRES program participate.


Mariana Simões e Rita Pernas

Site developed for the discipline "Advertising Creativity" of the 2nd year of the degree in Marketing at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - Not an official EUDRES website

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